Search, is it Up or Down or Me?

  • Name:
    Prntscr UP
  • URL:
  • Response time:
    141.822 milliseconds (ms)
  • Last checked on:

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Web Monitoring Results

    • Status:
      UP - Prntscr is UP and running! It's you.
    • 100% UPTIME
  • Prntscr Up or Down History

    2019-10-01 17:42:27141.822 ms
    2019-09-20 00:51:20126.117 ms
    2019-07-22 23:07:0028.803 ms
    2019-07-22 09:25:24516.997 ms
    2019-04-19 15:06:309.658 ms
    2019-04-19 10:20:00109.542 ms
    2019-03-18 07:19:2338.429 ms
    2019-03-10 06:57:0476.607 ms
    2019-02-18 19:11:393.16 ms

    Preview and Processing

    is prntscr Up or Down

    We have already started pinging and again at 2019-10-01T17:42:27+01:00. Our down detector has check whether is up or down, (Online or offline). At 2019-10-01T17:42:27+01:00, our down detector found that is currently up. The response time at 2019-10-01T17:42:27+01:00 was 141.822 milliseconds (ms). The above table of results shows the most recent tests carried out to test their servers. The results will show the reliability of and also show the trend on speed times over different times of the day, week, month or year. The response times are measure in Milliseconds (ms), this is a thousandth (0.001 or 10−3 or 1/1000) of a second. Milliseconds shows the accuracy of speed recorded in order to give a true indication of reliability.

    Is up or down, just for you and need help?

    Having troubles loading up If so, the following should help you trouble shoot your problem. There are several reasons, but not limited to why is down for you, this is as follows:

    • The most popular reason why you may not be able to connect to Prntscr is that you might not be connected to the Internet. To test whether you are, navigate to another website in your browser. If you cannot get that website to load, then you are not connected to the Internet for sure. Restart your computer and re-log into your Local Area Network (LAN)
    • Press and hold down the following keyboard keys: Ctrl+R or CMD-R (MAC)
    • You could be blocked from accessing, as such, contact your local I.T administrator for the network you're connected to.
    • Check and fix your Domain Name System (DNS). Flush your DNS. Use your command Terminal interface, type 'ipconfig /flushdns'. This works for Windows, MAC OS and Linux not loading or down for you?

    If is up or down for you right now, have other issues with connectivity, or even anything relating to this website, report it below. Check out the latest comments, news relating to Prntscr.

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